Monday, June 4, 2012

So you're a Promotional model.........

3) Promotional Model         If you've classified yourself as a promotional model, that's also great! That means you can start working and making money immediately! Just make sure you have one great head shot and a full body shot. They can be professional, in some cases they might not need to be.  Promotional modeling jobs can be obtained through agencies and by freelancing.  I would recommend a combination of both.  Promotional modeling is a great way to make good money while still maintaining a flexible schedule.  Some fashion/editorial and commercial models do promotional modeling work when they aren't booked so they can make extra money but still remain available for castings and jobs.  If you want modeling to be your full time job but your not getting enough commercial or fashion/editorial work yet, I recommend filling in the blanks with promotional modeling jobs. If you want to get jobs on your own I suggest joining and making a profile on the following websites: 1) GC Marketing Services 2) Model Mayhem         Also do an Internet search for your area can bring you more results.  This in the only instance where I would recommend browsing Craigslist for jobs.  DO SO WITH EXTREME CAUTION. We all know all the weirdness that exists on Craigslist.  If they isn't a clear job description, or if it just doesn't look or feel right...LEAVE IT ALONE!!! You're not missing out, your safety is much more important!           If you want to use an agency to get you work, keep in mind that MANY commercial and in some cases fashion/editorial agencies may have Promotional Modeling Divisions.  Again, the Internet is your friend. Just google "Promotional Modeling Agency" and your state and see what comes up.           Promotional modeling jobs pay anywhere from $17-$60/hour in general, and can potentially pay more.  Every job and client is different.  I would not recommend taking a promotional modeling job for less that $15/hour.  The low pay hints that the client is either unprofessional or doesn't have knowledge of what a promotional model should be payed.  Either way you lose.          Promotional models should not have to pay money to be signed up with an agency nor do they need a portfolio or comp card.  If you have professional pictures and you want to have a comp card made, that's great, it will show your a professional. Also, always keep your resume updated and available both in a computer file and in paper form.  Business cards are also a good idea, with your picture on one side and your contact information on the back, again, it shows professionalism. 

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