Tuesday, June 26, 2012

How to Promote Yourself and Stay Classy...San Diego...

       Now there are many different ways to "make it" some of the highest earning fashion models have names you have never heard, they are not 'famous' and they lead normal lives.      
        On the flip side, there are models and personalities who got a lot of attention first and as a result, began making a lot of money.  Whichever route your planning on taking, or think your planning on taking....even if it's a combination of both..there is definitely a code of professionalism.  Just because there are models who don't follow it, does not mean it doesn't exist.  There is always a right way and wrong way to go about things, and I'm going to tell you about both..right now.  KEEPING IT CLASSY!
............................................................. WRONG WAY ...........................................................................         

        *DON'T NAME NAMES!        

 When you have a job/go to a casting. It's fine to be happy/proud/excited about it.  You probably want to let everyone know what your doing and talk about it on Facebook and twitter. That's fine.  Just make sure your doing it in moderation.  DO NOT GIVE EVERY DETAIL OF YOUR JOB OR CASTING! It can be considered unprofessional by a client, agency or potential client.  It can also be considered a breach of confidentiality.  When projects are in the works, not all clients want every step of the process advertised o the public.  You may think your helping yourself, but you could actually be doing the opposite...to yourself and the client.       
         Beyond that, nobody who will potentially hire you will be impressed with your "buzz" on Facebook or twitter. The only people you'll be catering to are those not in the industry....not anyone who is going to potentially pay you.  If your looking to get paid hosting gigs and other "personality" work.  Your resume, acting reel, music videos and our business sense will have to speak for itself.  There is nothing wrong with promoting yourself and having lots of fans.....but they definitely don't need to know everything you know, and definitely not every step you take through out the day.  
        If you tell them everything, there's no reason for them to research you, subscribe to you or be interested in you beyond a few minutes.  Don't f*ck on the first date....save something good for later...for certain people : )   
          Here is an example of an acceptable Facebook/social media post: 

                                               "Was at my movie casting all day! Lots of A-listers already signed on for this production...I hope I get it! Wish me luck!" Or something along those lines.        

Here is an example of what NOT to do (and I will paraphrase): 

"I just got back from my casting for the independent film Blue Sky! It went great! After I read my lines, the casting director called me back to do more lines and improv! Then he asked me to tell him about other stories funny stories I had...,everybody thought I was so funny and great! The director was Channing Tatum, the star actors/director/producer from GI Joe and 21 Jump street! Wow! Isn't that awesome!" 
Please, just don't do that.  DON'T NAME NAMES! Especially when the production/project is in the works.  What if the project falls through, or completely changes, or was supposed to be kept confidential???        You are just going to look desperate....and you WILL NOT impress anyone you need to impress in order to improve your career by bragging to random people.  This goes for models/actors and all other talent. 


    After the movie is released, the runway show is televised, the tv show airs....then go into as much detail as you want and tell everyone if you want to, but it's best not to talk too much until you have something to show people to back it up.  


I recently saw a models profile on Facebook which had albums for each "type of photography" one album was labeled "commercial" one was labeled "promotional"' etc etc.  As I looked through the albums it was blatantly clear the model had no idea what the categories of photography actually were, which means she had no idea what each type of modeling entailed at all.  And she was charging for photo shoots! Really???        People who know what they are doing won't work with her! All she's attracting are people/photographers who have no idea what they are doing. She might make a few dollars freelancing....literally...a few.  But she will never attract anyone who can help take her career to the next level.         If you don't know what the categories of modeling are, GOOGLE THEM! If our too lazy to do that just label the album "pics" don't do things when you don't know the right way...don't try to sound professional or experienced when your not...it just ...again...makes you look desperate and dumb.        

*DONT SHOOT WITH EVERYONE just to get free pictures.  Be more concerned with quality over quantity. 
........................................................................RIGHT WAY.............................................................
1) MAKE PROFILES ON NETWORKING SITES LIKE ModelMayhem.com, Modelwirenetwork.com etc. 

3) CREATE YOUR OWN WEBSITE WITH YOUR PORTFOLIO, BIO, CONTACT AND BOOKING INFO, RESUME, AND agency info as well acting reel or clips from runway shows or other work you've done.  PROMOTE YOURSELF WITH YOUR WORK! 

4) Make a fb fan page

5) A twitter

6) Always be looking for free modeling profile sites, don't forget about specialty ones like fitness modeling and whatever else your qualified for. 

7) Getting a few hosting jobs (even if they are low paying or non paying) is also a good way to get out there

8)  look into marketing, promoting, and managing sources...think of yourself as a business because you are, you are the business, the product, the advertising all in one. 

9) Attend networking events 

10) Weigh the pros and cons of having a manager. (a manager is not an agent!)