Sunday, December 13, 2015

10 Tips to Improve your Modeling Career with Instagram

Are you an "InstaModel" who wants to become a real model? Do you want to book PAYING modeling jobs? Keep reading for 10 valuable pieces of advice on how to start or improve your modeling career via Instagram.

1) Be easily found!

Keep your profile set to "public." If you prefer to keep your personal life private, make a separate instagram for your modeling work. An ideal account should serve as a visual resume and/or your portfolio. If your goal is to attract clients, photographers and agents, you'll want to be easily found on all social media platforms.

2) Have a professional BIO

Include your or your agents contact information in your bio. I don't reccomend personal phone numbers. If you have a google voice number or a second phone number, that's fine, but as long as you have a working email address listed, that will be sufficent. If you don't have an agent, create a new email address ONLY for your professional emails.

If you have a website, make sure you list it. If you don't, include a link to your facebook fan page, not personal page, if you don't have a facebook fanpage, make one. It's important to have a working and relevant link to your work on another platform. If you have absolutely NO professional pictures or experience, just leave your website link blank.

Your bio should also include what type of model you are or what type of modeling you have previous experience with, and what kind of work you're trying to book.

Example: Published glamour model. Available for Commercial Work and Runway Bookings. Serious inquiries contact:

Saying "model" isn't specific enough for people who work in the indsutry. A Commercial Model and a Runway Model (while they MAY be the same talent) are two totallly different things

Avoid exaggerating about your experience. Lying or exaggerating won't help you when you're dealing with professionals. It may help you book a few more freelance jobs. But if you get to that booking and you can't deliver, then the client will be very unlikely to hire you again. A client who has a good experience with a model will hire him/her over and over again.

3) Monitor comments.
Instagram is a GREAT platfrom to get atttention, but be conscious of the TYPE of attention you're attracting. Delete all vulgar comments. Your page should be a reflection of you, and your "brand." Again, this is specific to what TYPE of model you are, or that you want to become. If you want to be in men's magazines and do strictly glamour work, your audience will be different than if you want to be a runway model. Monitor and edit your comments accordingly.

4) Relationship Building

Use instagram to network and build relationships with photographers, agencies and managers. Or if you're strictly a freelance model, then with potential clients as well. Take these relationships seriously. Don't be obsessed by how many likes you can get out of a follower, be aware of opportunitities to collaborate and atually meet with people who can help start or improve your career.

Don't stop with just folllowing an agent or photographer who you would like to work with. That won't be enough to let them know you're serious. Contact them through their website or given contact information and ask them what you need to do in order to work with them. There are usually instructions on any agency website for how new talent should submit themselves for representation.

5) LOOK for work

Search #CastingCall and other related hashtags to find available work in your area. If you're seeking modeling work in the Chicago area. Search #ChicagoCastings or #ChicagoCastingCalls in addition to just #Casting.


6) Hashtags

Use hashtags properly. Use the proper hashtags under each picture you post. Example: #EditorialModel #PhotoShoot #GlamoirShoot #RunwayModel #AspiringActress etc. In the event that anyone is searching for talent for a specific project, they will be able to find you more easily.

7) Only post GREAT images.

POST REGULARLY, at least one photo a day minimum. the more the better. But remember, quality over quantity. Don't post every single picture from your latest photoshoot, only the best shots, and make sure they're edited before being posted. This isn't about you the person, it's anbout you the model, you the "product" and you'll want to look your best at all times.

8) Maintaine your image.

DO post behind the scenes pics from the set or a red carpet event. DON'T post a picure of you with a bottle of liqour in your hand @ a house party. Use your best judgement for everything in between.

9) Give credit where credit is due.

Give photographer or client credit (such as the name of the clothing line who hired you for their runway show) when you post professional images. It's polite and considerate, and it's extremely likely the photographer is crediting you as the model when he/she posts, so you are therefore advertising/networking for each other. #Karma.

Put simply, list and credit the other people you worked with on the project. Every project is a team

10) Make your page visually pop!

Make your page aestetically pleasing. Look at yourself and your work as a product for sale. How's your color scheme? Is there any clear theme to your page? Or are your pictures all over the place? View your entire page as a whole, not just one picture at a time, and see if you would book yourself based on what you saw.....or if you need to make some changes. Don't ever be afraid to delete pictures that don't look good or don't flow with the rest of your page.


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