Wednesday, June 6, 2012

A Commercial Model's Portfolio......

If your a commercial model and you have a photo shoot or two under your belt, that's great! That means that you're probably aware of what poses and facial expressions are the most flattering and what isn't working for you.  If you have a few good pictures, this does not make you a pro, so you should not go to an agency expecting them to treat you as such.  They will still require you to have a full or almost full portfolio in order to market you to clients.  If you've started the process of building your portfolio through TF shoots and/or freelancing work and you feel you've developed an eye for good commercial pictures, then continue on and return to the agencies when your portfolio is complete.  If you are confused or have questions about what kind of pictures you should be taking, it's best to 1) AS I'VE SAID BEFORE, Do your research., and then 2) shoot your portfolio with an agency recommended photographer. This will save you time, confusion and wasted effort trying to do it on your own.  A commercial portfolio should contain natural looking pictures as if it was a flip book of a person living their life. (or at least the life they advertise in magazines and on TV) You should have a range of facial expressions, just make sure that YOUR EXPRESSION IS VERY CLEAR in the photos you choose for your portfolio. The last thing you want is someone trying to guess what emotion your attempting to convey.  A business look is pretty standard, a casual look, if you play a sport incorporate that into your portfolio as well.  If you don't play a sport, use a general fitness picture (jogging or light weight lifting or yoga).  If you have dance that too.  The more skills you have, the more marketable you become and the more work you are eligible for.  A medical or nursing photo is often recommended.  You need to research what's going on in your area.  What kind of advertising is going on around you? You most likely would not have any use for, let's say .....  a picture of you skiing or snowboarding if you live in an area that doesn't get snow, and doesn't advertise any products or services related to winter sports. If you live in Miami, you will have more bathing suit shots.  If you live in New York you would want one good one at the most, and you might not need one at all.  Take care to pic out which pictures are your strongest.  Consult models you know who are already signed with agencies and photographers who shoot for agencies and see if they recommend any of the same picture that you think are your strongest.  As your getting your portfolio together, make sure the way you look STAYS CONSISTENT! While differences in hair style are encouraged, it isn't a great idea to have two different hair colors in your portfolio book, it will suggest the idea that some pictures are old and/or that you change  your hair color often....which is absolutely a bad idea! If you change your hair color as a commercial model, you need to shoot a whole new portfolio. So just don't.  If your still unsure about the type of shots your commercial portfolio should contain, hang in there.  In the next post I'll be giving you actual examples of good and bad commercial portfolio pictures ........... so check back soon for updates!